Coach Signature Stripe Shearling Tote

Sorry Coach,Coach OP Art Bags I am not laughing in your face… wait, wait, come to think of it, I am. Is this bag for real? The Coach Signature Stripe Shearling Tote is trying way too hard to intertwine winter style with leather, shearling, and signatureCoach Kristin Handbag C’s in this atrocity. Somewhat reminds me of the UGG Australia Patchwork Classic Boots which I ragged on, but hindsight it is a much better option than this shearling trim fug bag.Coach Signature There is a dog leash closure to sum up the extent of bad accessories placed on bad handbag. Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge fan of everyday Coach handbags. But this one is rotten. Measuring 14 (L) x 10 1/2 (H) x 4 1/4 (W), buy it for $358 too much via Coach.
Par zhulouboutin3 le jeudi 30 juin 2011


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